as3 flex embed bitmapdata

Flex :: Bitmapdata - Save Image With Higher Dpi?
? I know half of the problem:the embedded movieclip is.
At the moment I have some bitmap resources embedded for drawing. Browse other questions tagged flex flash actionscript-3 actionscript.
馬鹿全 - AS3 での Embed の話.
How do I extract the width and height of an embedded image in AS3?
Flash :: Converting A SVG Image Into Bitmapdata In Flex 4.
Flex :: Draw Text On BitmapData? - Flash - BigResource.
as3 flex embed bitmapdata
Embedding bitmap fonts with AS3 - Kirupa.
? fast methood to turn an Embed Image into.
If I load a bitmap using a loader in Flex, I can use the loaderInfo. .. how to embed pure as3 bitmap assets with flex4 (worked with flex3).

as3 flex embed bitmapdata
Flex :: Get The BitmapData From A Local Image?
Jan 17, 2012. To use a bitmap image (such as a.jpeg file or a.png file) in Actionscript 3, we have to embed it. FlashDevelop makes this easy. After saving the.
I've been trying to set up a nice environment on Flex 4 and Flash Builder 4 by using the "code.
flex - How does one smooth an image used as a control skin.
2009年8月7日. AS3 での Embed の話. Flex と Flash CS3 の ハイブリッド SWF について .. BMP) // Embed した Bitmap の BitmapData を返す。 var sound: Sound.
? fast methood to turn an Embed Image into.
[Embed(source="/tool_deleteUp.png")] private static const. For one thing you cannot cast a uicomponent to bitmap! The other. Browse other questions tagged flex actionscript-3 actionscript flex3 or ask your own question.
Hi, all, I'm attempting to embed a bitmap font I've created into a Flex 3* project which is pretty much entirely scripted and generated on the fly as.
flex - AS3 Embedded font won't show up - Stack Overflow.
ActionScript 2.0 :: Image File To BitmapData? - Flash - BigResource.